Side Lunge with Knee Lift

Side Lunge with Knee Lift is a combination exercise that strengthens the lower body, including thighs, glutes and hips, while improving balance and stability. This exercise is ideal for increasing mobility and challenging core balance by combining a lateral lunge with an explosive knee drive.

Correct form and technique

How to perform the Side Lunge with Knee Lift:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your core engaged.
  2. Take a big step out to the side with your right leg, lower into a lateral lunge by bending your right knee, and keep your left leg straight.
  3. Push from the right foot to come up to standing, and bring the right knee up to the chest in an explosive movement.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

Keep your upper body upright and your core stable to maintain balance during the movement.

Common errors

Avoid these common mistakes to improve your technique:

  • Unstable knee: Make sure the knee of the bent leg is pointing in the same direction as the toes and avoid letting it fall inwards.
  • Leaning forward posture: Keep your chest upright and avoid leaning forward too much in your lungs.

Modifications and variations

Adapt the exercise to your fitness level:

  • Beginners: Perform the movement without knee raises to build strength and balance.
  • Advanced: Add a dumbbell or kettlebell for extra resistance, or increase the speed for a higher intensity.

Number of repetitions and sets

Perform 10-12 repetitions per side in 2-3 sets , depending on your strength and fitness. Increase the number as you get stronger.

Breathing technique

Breathe in when you go down into lunges, and breathe out when you lift your knee. This helps you maintain control and balance.

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